Month: March 2023

AWS Application Composer Now Generally Available – Visually Build Serverless

At AWS re:Invent 2022, we previewed AWS Application Composer, a visual builder for you to compose and configure serverless applications from AWS services backed by deployment-ready infrastructure as code (IaC). In the keynote, Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO of said: Developers that never used serverless before. How do they know where to start? Which services…

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Subscribe to AWS Daily Feature Updates via Amazon SNS

Way back in 2015 I showed you how to Subscribe to AWS Public IP Address Changes via Amazon SNS. Today I am happy to tell you that you can now receive timely, detailed information about releases and updates to AWS via the same, simple mechanism. Daily Feature Updates Simply subscribe to topic arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:692768080016:aws-new-feature-updates using the…

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AWS Week in Review – March 6, 2023

It has been a week full of interesting launches and I am thrilled to be able to share them with you today. We’ve got a new region in the works, a new tool for researchers, updates to Amazon Timestream, Control Tower, and Amazon Inspector, Lambda Powertools for .NET, existing services in new locations, lots of…

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In the Works – AWS Region in Malaysia

We launched an AWS Region in Australia earlier this year, four more (Switzerland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, and India) in 2022, and are working on regions in Canada, Israel, New Zealand, and Thailand. All told, we now have 99 Availability Zones spread across 31 geographic regions. Malaysia in the Works Today I am happy…

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