Month: March 2023

Amazon Linux 2023, a Cloud-Optimized Linux Distribution with Long-Term Support

I am excited to announce the general availability of Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). AWS has provided you with a cloud-optimized Linux distribution since 2010. This is the third generation of our Amazon Linux distributions. Every generation of Amazon Linux distribution is secured, optimized for the cloud, and receives long-term AWS support. We built Amazon Linux…

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AWS Week in Review – March 13, 2023

It seems like only yesterday I was last writing the Week in Review post, at the end of January, and now here we are almost mid-way through March, almost into spring in the northern hemisphere, and close to a quarter way through 2023. Where does time fly?! Last Week’s LaunchesHere’s some of the launches and…

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Meet the Newest AWS Heroes – March 2023

The AWS Heroes are passionate AWS experts who are dedicated to sharing their in-depth knowledge within the community. They inspire, uplift, and motivate the global AWS community, and today, we’re excited to announce and recognize the newest Heroes in 2023! Aidan Steele – Melbourne, Australia Serverless Hero Aidan Steele is a Senior Engineer at Nightvision.…

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