Month: November 2022

New – Fully Managed Blue/Green Deployments in Amazon Aurora and

When updating databases, using a blue/green deployment technique is an appealing option for users to minimize risk and downtime. This method of making database updates requires two database environments—your current production environment, or blue environment, and a staging environment, or green environment. You must then keep these two environments in sync with each other so…

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New – Amazon Redshift Support in AWS Backup

With Amazon Redshift, you can analyze data in the cloud at any scale. Amazon Redshift offers native data protection capabilities to protect your data using automatic and manual snapshots. This works great by itself, but when you’re using other AWS services, you have to configure more than one tool to manage your data protection policies.…

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Now Open the 30th AWS Region – Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)

In November 2020, Jeff announced the upcoming AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) as the second Region in India. Yes! Today we are announcing the general availability of the 30th AWS Region, Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region, with three Availability Zones and the ap-south-2 API name. The Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region is located in the state of Telangana.…

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AWS Week in Review – November 21, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! A new week starts, and the News Blog team is getting ready for AWS re:Invent! Many of us will be there next week and it would be great to meet…

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